I invite all ASHRAE members in Indonesia to join hand in hands to work together in simple phrase “advancing the arts and sciences” is a very loaded statement of the meaning and scope. Wherein the assessment activities, research, studies, experiments, experimentation, analysis, monitoring, surveys, reporting, review in our daily activities like the panel of experts from around the world who work voluntarily in ASHRAE.
Herlin Herlianika
President Of ASHRAE Indonesia Chapter (2024-2025)
ASHRAE Indonesia Chapter (AIC) was set up in 27th November 2007, following approval of the AIC by the BOD (Board of Director) and the approval of the New Chapter Constitution and By Laws on 26th November 2007. AIC is Chapter No. 183 under Region XIII and since then Region XIII consists of Taiwan, Hong Kong, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippine and Indonesia Chapters. At that time the formation of Indonesia Chapter motion was put forward in Dallas Meeting, late September 2007, there were only 52 members signed the petition.
In the period of 2013-14, AIC is given the honor to organize CRC-2013, a prestigious event in the ASHRAE Region XIII and a dissemination forum about ASHRAE activities in seven ASEAN countries, namely Hong Kong, Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Taiwan. This opportunity is not only of the concern and the interest of the AIC core officers, but also all members of the AIC, even the perpetrators of professionals, researchers, academic staff and the wider community who are interested in particularly HVAC&R; energy efficiency; indoor air quality; and sustainability within the building industry.
Total number of AIC (per August 2018) member is 205 consist of 104 associate and full members plus 101 student members among 50,000 members around the world and as part of 191 chapters worldwide in 13 regions plus 1 region-at-large. Those are represented by consulting engineers, mechanical contractors, building owners, employees of manufacturing companies, educational institutions, students and young engineer, research organizations, government, architects, or anyone concerned with HVAC&R for the built environment.
ASHRAE has many technical resources as use globally such as standards and guidelines, handbook, monthly journal, software and mobile application. ASHRAE publishes a set of standards and guidelines relating to HVAC systems and issues that are often referenced in building codes and used by consulting engineers, mechanical contractors, architects, and government agencies. These standards are periodically reviewed, revised and republished.
It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. The Chapter may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. There is no ASHRAE endorsement, warranty and guarantee of any product, service, procedure, design or the like. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, please contact the ASHRAE home page at https://www.ashrae.org
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It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. The Chapter may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. There is no ASHRAE endorsement, warranty and guarantee of any product, service, procedure, design or the like. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, please contact the ASHRAE home page at https://www.ashrae.org
It does not present official positions of the Society nor reflect Society policy. The Chapter may not act for the Society and the information presented here has not had Society review. There is no ASHRAE endorsement, warranty and guarantee of any product, service, procedure, design or the like. To learn more about ASHRAE activities on an international level, please contact the ASHRAE home page at https://www.ashrae.org